The Most Powerful Printer. Say hello to The Stiker Pro & Striker lll v4.0
Service Reminder Printing System
The Striker systems are the best oil/lube reminder sticker printer in the industry. Put your CUSTOMER FIRST by offering an easy reminder service decal while securing retention. With fast drying, never fade decals and 9 custom templates, the Striker III® and Striker Pro® are the most direct and cost-effective way to promote your business with its unique QR code marketing tool and is the only unit available today with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Best warranty in the industry
Best warranty in the industry
Best warranty in the industry
Best warranty in the industry

The Right Printer For Your Job
Cobra Systems Takes The Guesswork
Out Of Selecting The Right Printing
We could simply sell every printer around, but at Cobra Systems we’ve taken the time to test the best out there. We tested them all head to head in the harshest environments and the most challenging task/performance requirements and we found that both the Striker and VnM brands consistently out performed and delivered day in day out in all situations.
Add a Power-Up Battery & Print Wherever & Whenever
Our portable power option can be paired with any Striker printer to help you print your service labels on the go, continuously without any interruptions.
Our power-up is rechargeable and can print for over 4 hours without recharging. 100% fully recharged in approximately 2 hours.

Striker Spec Sheets
Striker III 4.0 + Striker Pro 4.0 Spec Sheet
Striker III + Striker Pro Spec Sheet
Striker Fleet Solution Spec Sheet
Striker Video Tutorials
Are you looking for helpful Striker videos? Look no further!
Find step-by-step tutorials for your Striker printer.
If you cannot find what you need, please feel free to contact us for more help.

Striker III – Startup
Striker III – Ink Ribbon Install
Striker III – Cleaning
Striker III – Menus
Striker III – Sticker Media Roll Install

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Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm
For Faster Service, Please Call 800.262.7298