Facility Safety

Safety has always been a critical subject for every small and large facility. This is the reason why Cobra Systems Inc. developed a product line known to many as VnM® SignMaker. This printer allows the user to take the print system to the point of need. Save time and money, create permanent signs and labels when and where you need them easily without a PC!

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Screenshot 2020-05-30
Screenshot 2020-05-30
Screenshot 2020-05-30


No longer do you have to wait for your
print shop to create you facility signs.

Screenshot 2020-06-01
Screenshot 2020-06-01
Screenshot 2020-06-01

Simply select one of you multiple template options.

Use the keypad to type any custom message and print!.

Creating a label or sign has never been easier!

Screenshot 2020-06-01

Simply choose the right template

Screenshot 2020-06-01

Type what you want, and out comes your label!

Screenshot 2020-06-01

Creating a sign, label or marker has never been easier!

Print Safety Facility Signs & Labels Instantly!

VnM 4 SignMaker Printer

Prints permanent signs and labels from 1” to 4”
(up to 150ft in length)


VnM 8 SignMaker Printer

Print any sign, label or tag up from 4” to 9” wide
(up to 150ft in length)

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VnM®s Printable colored vinyl adhesive tape media, includes standard high quality (5yr grade), heavy duty ‘engineering grade’ vinyl, reflective, glow-in-the-dark, fluorescent, re-usable magnetic vinyl, and clear plastic.

Using Cobra Systems print solution for Facility Safety you will…

  • Get your customers coming back, more often.
    (Some stores see 35 – 40% improvement)

  • Up-sell and get better sales returns from “New” Sales.

  • Improve the Corporate image of your business.
    (Be in front of the customer every day.)

  • Improve your retail efficiency and grow your business.

  • …and so much more!

Let us help you with this Facility Safety Solution!

Call us today at (800) 262-7298