Industrial Labels

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Cobra’s VnM SignMaker is a mobile stand-alone industrial safety sign print system with no PC or software required. It’s easy to learn, easy to use and is a fully standalone system which requires no other software or PC to print! It’s like the familiar office labeler that prints onto adhesive vinyl tape, but the Cobra VnM is heavy duty for industrial applications … larger tapes, more applications!

Did you know
VnM® SignMaker is the most cost-effective method for creating permanent vinyl adhesive signs for regulatory applications like safety

Type of Industrial & Safety Labels


Safety Labels & Signs

warning labels

Warning labels


Shelf labels


Chemical Drum Labels

Hark Industries

Assets Management

product labels

Product labels


Warehouse Labels


Vehicle & Equipment

toxic image

VnM® Sign Maker comes with an easy to use library of regulatory sign templates to make all your signs easier and faster to create.

Unlike alternate sign printers, the mobile VnM SignMaker allows users to immediately create permanent vinyl adhesive signs of
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It’s ideal for in-the-field maintenance identification, signs and labels …


Using Cobra Systems print solution for Safety & Facility Identification you will…

  • Get your customers coming back, more often.
    (Some stores see 35 – 40% improvement)

  • Up-sell and get better sales returns from “New” Sales.

  • Improve the Corporate image of your business.
    (Be in front of the customer every day.)

  • Improve your retail efficiency and grow your business.

  • …and so much more!

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